
"Chill Vibes" Essential Oil Roller Ball

Chill Vibes" Aromatherapy Roller Balls!! Perfect touch to our self-care shop to help you in your self-care routine with this "on the go" aromatherapy product. Diluted with Jojoba Oil, Grapeseed and Sweet Almond Oil base.

Scents :
"Grounded" :
Frankincense, Bergamot, Lavender & Clary Sage

"Uplift" for Stress / Anxiety: (coming soon)
Sweet Orange, Geranium & Chamomile

"Headache & Pain" :
Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Lavender, Chamomile

Aromatherapy Rollerballs assist with managing your mood. Thanks to the power of essential oils, the roller ball essential oils psychoactive properties help you to feel better.

Essential oils come from highly concentrated plant extracts and can be inhaled or diluted through the skin.

Ways to use:
-You can roll the product on a spot on your body but more spots are more effective than others when it comes to absorbing the healing properties in each product bottle.
- Apply rollerball to your temples, apply to your inner wrists, and apply behind each ear as these areas are close to our blood vessels and help retain the blend better!
-You can also breathe in the scents whenever you need balance.