
"Precious Baby" Body Oil

Sensitive skin friendly. Babies are a blessing, signify new life, and are PRECIOUS!
Their wellbeing and skin is also precious. This oil is for the aide in soothing and also preventing dry, scaly skin for your little one. Can be used during your baby massage time 3x a week, which is a good way to bond with your baby.

Using products with emollients and moisture, help provide softness, which decreases your babies itching and irritation. This product was specifically made in mind of all the babies and kids in my family struggling with dry skin and skin issues like excema.
*Of course your child's individual nutrition diet adds to skin irritation also so be aware." Babies should not have to worry their little heads about anything but being cute and milk wasted.
Get your little one something! Also, grown ups can use this too!

Safe for baby skin and scalp 3 months and up. Children and adult friendly. Not to be used on newborn skin. Can be used daily or a few times a week.

Fragrance Free - No Dyes.
No additives.
No Harsh Chemicals.
Made with LOVE.

4 ingredients: Sunflower Oil, Avocado Oil, Rice Bran Oil, Oat Extract.

Benefits for your precious baby:
Sunflower Oil - Protective moisture barrier. light oil, gentle vitamin filled. Antibacterial.
Avocado Oil- Vitamin A, C, E. Protective moisture barrier. Antimicrobial, Anti-inflammatory, protects from free radicals in the air,
Rice Bran oil - rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Antioxidant. Acts as natural sunscreen. Improves circulation and helps in skin cell regeneration. Encourages moisture.
Oat Extract- Skin superfood. Antioxidant. Antifungal. Anti-inflammatory and Anti-irritant. Treats dry skin. B complex and Vit B. Helps aide against UV rays.

Please be aware of ingredients, and do a patch test before use with anything.